Webinar: Restoring Nature: Reform of the conservation management system
Following on from our in-person launch in Auckland, we’re pleased to be able to offer a webinar on Restoring Nature: Reform of the conservation management system, the final report of EDS’s Conservation Law Reform Project. The report sets out a comprehensive package of recommendations for a new conservation system that better aligns with modern needs, values and aspirations, including those of tangata whenua. The report builds on EDS’s 2023 reviews of the Wildlife Act and the Conservation Management Planning system.
Reform of the conservation system is urgently needed to protect and restore populations of indigenous species and ensure appropriate management of the various uses and pressures on the conservation estate.
Join author Deidre Koolen-Bourke as she gives an overview of the key points outlined in the report.
Date: Monday 23 September 2024
Time: 12midday – 12.45pm
Location: online via zoom webinar
Cost: there is no charge to attend but registration is essential