EDS events

EDS runs two of the most preeminent environmental conferences in the country. We also hold smaller regional events throughout the year.

We have a well-established reputation for delivering highly topical and thought-provoking conferences that act as a catalyst, delivering valuable insights, momentum for change, and networking opportunities for attendees and sponsors. We draw diverse participants together to galvanise progress towards solving Aotearoa New Zealand’s biggest environmental problems.



Webinar: Restoring Nature: Reform of the conservation management system

Monday 23 September; midday - 12.45pm - Online

Following on from our in-person launch in Auckland, we’re pleased to be able to offer a webinar on Restoring Nature: Reform of the conservation management system, the final report of EDS’s Conservation Law Reform Project. The report sets out a comprehensive package of recommendations for a new conservation system that better aligns with modern needs, values and aspirations, including those of tangata whenua. The report builds on EDS’s 2023 reviews of the Wildlife Act and the Conservation Management Planning system.

Reform of the conservation system is urgently needed to protect and restore populations of indigenous species and ensure appropriate management of the various uses and pressures on the conservation estate.

Join author Deidre Koolen-Bourke as she gives an overview of the key points outlined in the report.

Date: Monday 23 September 2024

Time: 12midday – 12.45pm

Location: online via zoom webinar

Cost: there is no charge to attend but registration is essential

Register here

Dollars & Sense: Making the economy work for nature

12-14 May 2025 - Grand Millennium Hotel, Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland

Monday 12 May: Pre-conference oceans symposium (10am – 4.30pm)

Tuesday 13 May: Conference sessions & conference dinner

Wednesday 14 May: Conference sessions

Economic development is a major focus of the coalition government. Recent reforms seek to remove ‘red’ and ‘green’ tape for mining, primary production and aquaculture. But at what cost? Improving regulatory settings is one thing, but New Zealanders should be concerned at changes that enable more freshwater pollution, negatively impact indigenous species and result in questionable developments. Undemocratic and opaque decision-making will impact mana whenua and disempower local communities.

The Environmental Defence Society’s 2025 environmental summit will reframe the narrative. Surely it’s possible to have economic development that works for nature, not against it, especially when so much of the economy relies on our natural world. Can we reconfigure the settings so that improved economic welfare does not harm the environment? Can development fund restoration? Where are the synergies? And what does too much growth look like?

2025 will be a significant year for resource management reform as the government overhauls national direction under the Resource Management Act. Work will be underway on replacement resource management laws.

Our 2025 summit includes a full-day dedicated to the ocean, where economic opportunities interface with nature in a highly dynamic way. How can we harness wealth from our oceans in ways that restore ecosystem health? National’s election manifesto promised an update of marine reserves legislation, integrated oceans management policy and consideration of an Oceans Commission. These are not negated by any coalition agreement.

EDS’s conferences delve deeply into contemporary issues and provide an opportunity to engage in constructive and intelligent discourse. Dollars and Sense will be a seminal event.

Please join us!

Climate Change & Business Conference 2025

8-9 September 2025 - Viaduct Events Centre, Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland