Project overview

Watch EDS’s webinar Aotearoa New Zealand’s managed relocation law: Is it fit for purpose?

Webinar held on Wednesday 7 June 2023. The two authors, EDS Policy Director Raewyn Peart and Legal and Policy Researcher Benjamin Tombs, provided an overview of the key findings presented in Working Paper 2 followed by questions and comments.

EDS is undertaking research on climate adaptation and managed retreat which is intended to inform the climate adaptation policy process and system design, specifically, the proposed Climate Adaptation Act. The research is exploring options for reform, including consideration of what new legal tools are required to provide for managed retreat, appropriate governance structures and funding obligations. In the lead up to the final report, EDS will be publishing three interim working papers. The first covers funding options. Working Paper Two focuses on identifying gaps and barriers in the current legal framework. Working paper 3 will identify options for reform. The papers and final report will be available online.