Project overview

EDS is undertaking phased research on climate adaptation and managed retreat.

Between 2022 and 2024, EDS completed phase 1 of this project, which had four key deliverables:

  • The first working paper, Principles and Funding for Managed Retreat (February 2023), focused on conceptualising managed relocation and explored what principles might underpin a new system and how it might be funded.
  • Working Paper 2, Current Legislative and Policy Framework for Managed Relocation (May 2023), described and evaluated the adequacy of the current law and rights-based systems applicable to managed relocation.
  • Working Paper 3, Options and Models for Managed Relocation Policy (December 2023), identified options for reform. This drew on lessons learnt from national and international case studies and brought together options into two models for a potential reform package.
  • Our final report for Phase 1 of the project, Design Recommendations for a Climate Adaptation Act (July 2024), outlined a comprehensive package of statutory and institutional reforms to enable the country to successfully adapt to climate risks. Watch our webinar on key findings from the report here.

We thank ASB Bank, Beca, IAG New Zealand, KPMG, Wellington City Council and Auckland Council for supporting phase 1 of the project.

We are currently seeking partners and funding support for phase 2 of this project which will delve deeply into the climate adaptation challenges facing Aotearoa New Zealand, current responses, the role of the property, infrastructure, insurance and banking sectors, international comparators, and positive pathways forward.

Please contact Raewyn Peart at for further information.