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EDS releases its draft submission on the Hauraki Gulf / Tīkapa Moana Marine Protection Bill

12 October 2023

Read more here on EDS’s draft submission and our upcomimg webinar.

The Environmental Defence Society has released a draft of its submission on the Hauraki Gulf / Tīkapa Moana Marine Protection Bill. Early release of the submission is to help those interested in submitting on the Bill and to receive constructive feedback.

EDS’s draft submission strongly supports the intent of the Bill and the establishment of protection areas. It identifies a range of areas that could be improved and offers targeted solutions. In particular, the submission addresses:

  • The purpose of Seafloor Protection Areas and Highly Protected Areas
  • Provision for new protected areas and for altering protected area boundaries
  • Mandatory development of biodiversity objectives for all protected areas
  • Mandatory monitoring of protected areas and permits
  • The permit process, including providing for public notification in some cases
  • Changes to permits where unanticipated cumulative effects occur or when biodiversity objectives are amended
  • Appeal rights
  • Offences for breaching conditions of a permit
  • Amending the test for regulating activities within protected areas from “necessary” to “reasonably necessary”.

Read EDS’s submission here.

Submissions on the Bill to the Environment Select Committee close on 1 November 2023, and EDS encourages people to make their own submissions.

As can be seen from the detailed draft submission, EDS has invested significant resource into analysing the Bill and suggesting improvements to ensure that the Bill delivers positive outcomes for the Gulf. We will continue our efforts in the Select Committee process.

Donations to support this mahi would be welcome.

Donate here.

Questions or more information, contact us here.

EDS is also hosting an online webinar on the Bill on Tuesday 17 October 2023, 12.00pm – 12.45pm. Raewyn Peart, EDS’s Policy Director, will present EDS’s perspectives on the Bill. Questions and answers will follow.

Date: Tuesday 17 October 2023
Time: 12midday – 12.45pm
Location: online via zoom webinar
Cost: there is no cost to attend but prior registration is essentia
Register: Register here