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Briefing for the Incoming Minister of Conservation and Minister for Hunting and Fishing

Environmental Defence Society
December 2023


ONE Continue work to modernise the Wildlife Act and conservation management planning system

TWO Ensure the Department of Conservation (Department) retains strong representation and has a powerful voice in any further resource management law reform or amendment processes

THREE Support implementation of the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement (NZCPS)

FOUR Strengthen protection of indigenous biodiversity via implementation of the National Policy Statement on Indigenous Biodiversity (NPS IB) and through the identification and protection of Significant Natural Areas (SNAs)

FIVE Ensure the Department has adequate planning, freshwater science and legal capacity to actively participate in the implementation of the freshwater reforms. Support the retention of prioritisation of freshwater ecosystems under Te Mana o te Wai

SIX Support the establishment of a biodiversity incentives scheme

SEVEN Support the Department to play a lead role in marine protection and oceans management, continuing its input into marine decision-making and policy development

EIGHT Support passage of the Hauraki Gulf Tīkapa Moana Marine Protection Bill into law as soon as possible to create a network of marine protected areas in the Hauraki Gulf

NINE Support the establishment of Hauraki Gulf Bottom Fishing Access Zones as a transition measure towards phasing out seabed damaging fishing methods

TEN Ensure any changes to the control and management of hunting and fishing adopt an evidence- based approach, proceed with caution, and only follow a detailed review of relevant legislation

ELEVEN Ensure indigenous biodiversity and conservation values are robustly protected from mining impacts by banning mining on conservation land

TWELVE Ensure a legally compliant review of stewardship land

THIRTEEN Establish a regular Ministerial meeting with the 5 key national ENGOs (EDS, Forest & Bird, WWF, Greenpeace Aotearoa and Fish & Game)